Up-level your brands' personal care product line up
The Hottest Trends
At Evergreen Innovations, we see ourselves as manufacturing experts and also leaders in personal care product formula innovations. Some of these trends we've listed may not come as a surprise to you because social media helps trends and consumer insight to spread like wildfire. However, we know that sometimes it can be a lot to take in. Our goal is to help you find innovations that reflect your brand’s identity and direction, and an end-product that your customer’s will love! #trending
1. Natural Care Products
Natural Products are taking over the beauty aisles. We’ve all seen that consumer’s are starting to really take note of what they are putting in their bodies. From ‘bad’ fats to unnatural preservatives, they are starting to read their food labels and look for cleaner and straight from the Earth ingredients. Now, they are starting to demand more for their personal care products as well. After all… your skin is your largest organ and the one we need to protect most! Like food, as we become more health and eco-savvy as a society, they are searching for more pure and safe ingredients. Complex chemical formulas and lab-batched chemicals like parabens and sulfates are slowly making their way out of products, and being replaced with either no preservatives, or natural/organic ones derived straight from Mother Earth herself. Do you have goals to be paraben/sulfate free, or find more natural preservatives? Send us an email at teamgreen@evergreeninnovate.com and we'll see if our R&D can help you!
2. “Green” Products
The beauty industry for the most part, has been seriously unregulated. With no standards to conform to, often times personal care product manufacturers tried to use what was cheap...and readily available...without considering its impact on the environment. Its a fact that consumers are becoming more concerned about their carbon footprint and the impact of products on the environment, despite your view or belief of ‘Global Warming’ the piles of trash on our lands and in our oceans is undeniable. Consumers are starting to ask questions like:
Will the chemical run-off (down the drain) from this product harm our water habitats?
Is the packaging recyclable or are they single use plastic?
Are the products cruelty-free (not tested on animals)?
Is it organic/are there preservatives in the formula?
Couple the rise in information available on the Natural care products with the positive state of the economy, discerned consumers are willing to pay more for their products and are taking the time to do their research. This has also lead to a grassroots push to shop more boutique and prestige brands. Evergreen Innovations caters to the mass niche vertical. Boutique, prestige, and start-up product runs are our specialty!
3. Locally Produced & Made In the USA
While good ol' patriotism always made USA manufactured products extremely desirable, an increase in trade tariffs have helped companies bring jobs back to the U.S. New state legislation that supports start-up business and the manufacturing industry also great incentives for companies to do create jobs in our country. Consumers are also wanting products that originate from their area and/or have ingredients locally sourced. They are absolutely willing to pay for that these smaller batched, locally made products and know that they are supporting their community by purchasing them.
Evergreen Innovations is happily located in tropical Minneapolis, MN. We are 15 minutes from the international airport, and 10 minutes from downtown. The energy and creative outlet we feel in the city is such an asset to our business, and in turn that energy is infused into your final products. Our advice for your brand. . .talk with your local Chamber of Commerce or ruling government entity, what incentives and tax breaks are waiting for your business?
Additional Quick Tips & Trends
Clean labels (short ingredient lists on packaging) are better than having tons of ingredients, even if they are all “good” ingredients
We’ve seen a huge up-tick in the formulation of Scalp-care products. Healthy Scalp=Healthy hair growth 😊
Anti-pollution/pollution protection formulas, especially for treated hair!
Micro-biome care. . . managing the natural bacteria that happily and tactically live on your skin.
Consumers are willing to pay more for your unique and genuine brand story! Successful home recipe that's not mass produced, natural products as long as it is “doing good” for the local community and is natural
New Ethnic products are rightfully taking a place on shelves, and offer the ultimate products for various skin types